Friday, January 16, 2015

How To Determine Your Social Media Marketing Budget in 2015

Facebook will celebrate the 11th anniversary in 2015 and remains the number one platform on social media. Collectively, there are now hundreds of these sites, from popular photo sharing platforms like Instagram to short message success of Twitter with global audiences in the billions.

How does one get started with a social media strategy and what should be included? What goals and objectives should be examined to successfully connect with this audience? Here are five key points to a launching an effective social media strategy and get moving on these platforms:

#1 - GOALS - With any strategy, you can’t move forward without identifying goals for reaching your objective, whether it is increasing brand awareness or communicating with consumers.

#2 - OBJECTIVES - Goals and objectives are often confused with one another. If your goal is to reach more customers on social media, your objective should show this in a quantified result, such as a measurable increase in followers.

#3 - IDENTIFY - Often businesses who fail on social media are not identifying with their target audience. For example, if you are marketing baby clothes, your customer persona is primarily (but not completely) marketed towards females under the age of thirty five.

#4 - CHOICES - Obviously, you can’t effective market on all the social platforms so identify where you believe you will be the most successful and reach the majority of your target audience according to their demographic.

#5 - STRATEGY - The proper strategy for marketing on these platforms is posting content and consider:

      The type of content, images, links, text, headlines, etc.
      Time of posting, what works best, late morning or early evening.

Pinpoint all the necessities for your successful social media strategy for 2015 and connect with this vital online audience today!

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